Reverse the order of the graphs, and fix subsequently-exposed bugs; tweak colours and move x grid to the rear.
This commit is contained in:
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ foreach my $year ( sort keys %seen_weeks ) {
# Select data from the week in question
my @weeklines;
foreach my $row (@filelines) {
foreach my $row ( @filelines ) {
foreach my $dow ( 0 .. 6 ) {
my $day = $mon + ( ONE_DAY * $dow );
my $d = $day->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
@ -428,65 +428,10 @@ set rmargin 10
set tmargin 5
set bmargin 5
set multiplot title layout $graphs_per_page,1
# For each day, generate a graph with some fancy options
foreach my $d ( sort keys %seen_days ) {
my $label = "$1$2$3" if ( $d =~ m#(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})# );
my $time = Time::Piece->strptime( $d, "%Y-%m-%d" );
#my $title = $time->strftime("%a %d %b %Y");
my $title = $time->strftime("%A, %d %B %Y");
push @data, qq(
set title "Daily Glucose Summary for $title" font "Calibri,18"
set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel "Blood glucose"
set xtics left scale 0 tc rgb "#000000"
set ytics 2 scale 0 tc rgb "#000000"
set grid ytics lt 1 dt 3 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" front
set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose back fc rgb "#0072b2" fs solid 0.2 transparent border rgb "#a8a8a8"
AVG = Mean$label
AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Median glucose: %.2f", AVG)
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center
#plot \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose ? 111 : ( \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 1 ) ) with lines lw 3 lc variable , \$Data$label using 1:($graph_max-6):3 with labels font "Calibri,18" enhanced
plot \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( $max_glucose ) with filledcurves above lc 111 fs solid 1.0, \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( $min_glucose ) with filledcurves below lc 110 fs solid 1.0, \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2 with lines lw 3 lc 112, \$Data$label using 1:($graph_max-6):3 with labels font "Calibri,18" enhanced
# Add an x grid
set multiplot previous
set title " "
set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel " "
set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
unset grid
unset object 1
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#909090"
plot 1/0
unset grid
if ( $count_graphs % $graphs_per_page == 0 && $count_graphs < $total_day_graphs ) {
push @data, qq(unset multiplot);
push @data, qq(set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1);
# End daily graph plot
# Plot and display a graph with the average glucose values for every $interval for all recorded days
push @data, qq(
unset multiplot
# ensure separator handles tables
set datafile separator whitespace
@ -505,7 +450,19 @@ set rmargin 10
set tmargin 5
set bmargin 5
set multiplot title layout $graphs_per_page,1
set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1
# Add an x grid
set title " "
set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel " "
set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
unset grid
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 0.75 lc rgb "#a0a0a0" back
plot 1/0
unset grid
set multiplot previous
set title "Overall Average Daily Glucose" font "Calibri,18"
set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25
@ -518,7 +475,7 @@ set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose
AVG = MedianTotal
AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Median glucose: %.2f", AVG)
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.7 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center
A1C = 0
@ -538,23 +495,18 @@ if (A1C == 0 && MedianTotal < 35) {
A1C_LABEL = gprintf("Average A1c: %.1f%%", A1C)
set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 4 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3
set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 4 fs transparent solid 0.7 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3
set label 3 A1C_LABEL at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 front center
plot \$DataMaxMinTable using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:3 with filledcurves lc rgb "#979797" fs transparent solid 0.5, \$SmoothDataAvg using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 112 ) with lines lw 3 lc variable
# Add an x grid
set multiplot previous
set title " "
set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel " "
set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
unset grid
unset object 1
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#909090"
plot 1/0
unset grid
unset object 2
unset object 3
unset label 2
unset label 3
unset multiplot
# End overall average plot
@ -579,16 +531,31 @@ set rmargin 10
set tmargin 5
set bmargin 5
set multiplot title layout $graphs_per_page,1
set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1
foreach my $year ( sort keys %seen_weeks ) {
foreach my $week ( sort keys %{$seen_weeks{$year}} ) {
$count_graphs = 0;
foreach my $year ( reverse sort keys %seen_weeks ) {
foreach my $week ( reverse sort keys %{$seen_weeks{$year}} ) {
my $time = Time::Piece->strptime( "$year", "%Y" );
my $mon = $time + ( ONE_WEEK * ( $week - 1 ) ) + ( ONE_DAY );
my $sun = $time + ( ONE_WEEK * ( $week - 1 ) ) + ( ONE_DAY * 7 );
my $title = $mon->strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") . " to " . $sun->strftime("%A, %d %B %Y");
my $label = $mon->strftime("%Y%m%d");
push @data, qq(
# Add an x grid
set title " "
set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel " "
set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
unset grid
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 0.75 lc rgb "#a0a0a0" back
plot 1/0
unset grid
set multiplot previous
set title "Average Daily Glucose from $title" font "Calibri,18"
set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel "Blood glucose"
@ -600,7 +567,7 @@ set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose
AVG = MedianTotal$label
AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Median glucose: %.2f", AVG)
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.7 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center
A1C = 0
@ -620,31 +587,84 @@ if (A1C == 0 && MedianTotal$label < 35) {
A1C_LABEL = gprintf("Average A1c: %.1f%%", A1C)
set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 4 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3
set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 4 fs transparent solid 0.7 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3
set label 3 A1C_LABEL at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 front center
plot \$DataWeekMaxMinTable$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:3 with filledcurves lc rgb "#979797" fs transparent solid 0.5, \$SmoothDataWeekAvg$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 112 ) with lines lw 3 lc variable
unset object 1
unset object 2
unset object 3
unset label 2
unset label 3
if ( $count_graphs % $graphs_per_page == 0 && $count_graphs <= $total_week_graphs ) {
push @data, qq(unset multiplot);
push @data, qq(set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1) unless ($count_graphs == $total_week_graphs);
push @data, qq(
set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1
$count_graphs = 0;
# For each day, generate a graph with some fancy options
foreach my $d ( reverse sort keys %seen_days ) {
my $label = "$1$2$3" if ( $d =~ m#(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})# );
my $time = Time::Piece->strptime( $d, "%Y-%m-%d" );
#my $title = $time->strftime("%a %d %b %Y");
my $title = $time->strftime("%A, %d %B %Y");
push @data, qq(
# Add an x grid
set multiplot previous
set title " "
set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel " "
set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00"
unset grid
unset object 1
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#909090"
set grid xtics lt 1 dt 1 lw 0.75 lc rgb "#a0a0a0" back
plot 1/0
unset grid
set multiplot previous
set title "Daily Glucose Summary for $title" font "Calibri,18"
set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25
set ylabel "Blood glucose"
set xtics left scale 0 tc rgb "#000000"
set ytics 2 scale 0 tc rgb "#000000"
set grid ytics lt 1 dt 3 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" front
set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose back fc rgb "#0072b2" fs solid 0.2 transparent border rgb "#a8a8a8"
AVG = Mean$label
AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Median glucose: %.2f", AVG)
set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.7 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3
set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center
#plot \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose ? 111 : ( \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 1 ) ) with lines lw 3 lc variable , \$Data$label using 1:($graph_max-6):3 with labels font "Calibri,18" enhanced
plot \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( $max_glucose ) with filledcurves above lc 111 fs solid 1.0, \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( $min_glucose ) with filledcurves below lc 110 fs solid 1.0, \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2 with lines lw 3 lc 112, \$Data$label using 1:($graph_max-6):3 with labels font "Calibri,18" enhanced
unset object 1
unset object 2
unset object 3
unset label 2
unset label 3
if ( $count_graphs % $graphs_per_page == 0 && $count_graphs < $total_day_graphs ) {
push @data, qq(unset multiplot);
push @data, qq(set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1);
if ( $count_graphs % $graphs_per_page == 0 && $count_graphs <= $total_day_graphs ) {
push @data, qq(unset multiplot);
push @data, qq(set multiplot layout $graphs_per_page,1) unless ($count_graphs == $total_day_graphs);
# End daily graph plot
push @data, qq(
unset multiplot
@ -669,7 +689,7 @@ undefine \$DataMaxMinTable
# run the data through gnuplot
$gnuplot_data = join "\n", @data;
#print $gnuplot_data;
print $gnuplot_data;
open( my $ofh, '>', $output )
or die "Could not open file '$output' $!";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user