#!/usr/bin/perl # # Perl script to convert CSV output from glucometer into graphs, using gnuplot. # # Author: Timothy Allen # License: MIT # use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Open3; use Time::Piece; my $error = "Usage: $0 --input --output [--max ] [--low ] [--high ]\n"; my @lines; my %seen; my @data; my @avg_data; my $a1c_calc; my $gnuplot_data; my $total_graphs; my $count_graphs = 0; my $page_number = 0; my $input = ""; my $output = ""; # set these values either in mmol/L or mg/dL (don't mix them) my $max_glucose = 8; my $min_glucose = 4; my $graph_max = 21; my $units = 'mmol/L'; my $days_per_page = 2; GetOptions ("input=s" => \$input, # The name of the CSV file from which to read values "output=s" => \$output, # The name of the PDF file to output "high:f" => \$max_glucose, # The high end of your target blood glucose level "low:f" => \$min_glucose, # The low end of your target blood glucose level "max:i" => \$graph_max, # The highest displayed glucose level on each graph "units:s" => \$units, # mmol/L or mg/dL "graphs:i" => \$days_per_page) # The number of days printed on each page or die $error; open( my $ifh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $input ) or die "Could not open file '$input' $!"; while ( my $row = <$ifh> ) { chomp( $row ); push @lines, $row; } close( $ifh ) or warn "close failed: $!"; # Set up basic gnuplot options for reading the CSV data push @data, qq( set terminal pdf size 29.7cm,21.0cm enhanced font 'Calibri,14' linewidth 1 #set output '$output' ); # Get the list of days for which to produce graphs foreach my $row ( @lines ) { if ( $row =~ m#^"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})#ms ) { my $day = $1; $seen{$day}++; } } $total_graphs = scalar keys %seen; # Read each line into a $Data variable for use by gnuplot # Then sample into a smoothed plot for each day, and store each smoothed line in a new $SmoothData$date variable foreach my $d ( sort keys %seen ) { my $label = "$1$2$3" if ( $d =~ m#(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})# ); push @data, qq( \$Data$label << EOD "timestamp","blood glucose","meal","method","comment"); foreach my $row (@lines) { if ( $row =~ s#^"($d )#"$1#ms ) { push @data, $row; } } push @data, qq(EOD); push @data, qq( set datafile separator "," set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set format x "%s" timedate set format y "%.2f" numeric set samples 10000 set xdata stats \$Data$label using 2 Mean$label = STATS_mean set xdata time set table \$SmoothData$label #plot \$Data$label using "timestamp":"blood glucose" #plot \$Data$label using "timestamp":"blood glucose" smooth frequency plot \$Data$label using "timestamp":"blood glucose" smooth mcsplines #plot \$Data$label using "timestamp":"blood glucose" smooth bezier unset table undefine \$Data$label ); } # Set up output options for gnuplot. # We don't bother to do this at the start, since the CSV needs a comma separator # and the new $SmoothData, which contains a table, needs a whitespace separator push @data, qq( # change separator from CSV to table reset set datafile separator whitespace set key off set style data lines set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set format x "%H:%M" timedate set format y "%.0f" numeric set yrange [0:$graph_max] # If extended to 23:59, the x grid overlaps with the border set xrange ["00:00":"23:58"] set style line 100 dt 3 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" set style line 101 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" set linetype 110 lc rgb "red" set lmargin 12 set rmargin 10 set tmargin 5 set bmargin 5 set multiplot title layout $days_per_page,1 ); # For each day, generate a graph with some fancy options foreach my $d ( sort keys %seen ) { my $label = "$1$2$3" if ( $d =~ m#(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})# ); my $time = Time::Piece->strptime ( $d, "%Y-%m-%d" ); #my $title = $time->strftime("%a %d %b %Y"); my $title = $time->strftime("%A, %d %B %Y"); $count_graphs++; # Algorithms for calculating HbA1c if ( $units =~ /mg/i ) { $a1c_calc = "(AVG + 46.7) / 28.7"; } else { # Assume mmol/L $a1c_calc = "(AVG + 2.59) / 1.59"; } push @data, qq( set title "Daily Glucose Summary for $title" font "Calibri,18" set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25 set ylabel "Blood glucose" set xtics left tc rgb "#000000" set ytics 2 tc rgb "#000000" set grid ytics ls 100 front #set arrow from graph 0,first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $min_glucose ls 6 lw 2 nohead #set arrow from graph 0,first $max_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose ls 6 lw 2 nohead set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose fc ls 6 fs solid 0.2 back AVG = Mean$label AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Average glucose: %.2f", AVG) set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3 set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center #A1C = $a1c_calc #A1C_LABEL = gprintf("Average A1c: %.1f", A1C) #set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 5 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3 #set label 3 A1C_LABEL at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 front center #plot \$SmoothData$label using 1:2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : $count_graphs ) with linespoints ls 120 lc variable plot \$SmoothData$label using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 1 ) with lines lw 3 lc variable undefine \$SmoothData$label # Add an x grid set multiplot previous set title " " set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25 set ylabel " " set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00" set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00" unset grid unset object 1 set grid xtics ls 101 plot 1/0 ); if ( $count_graphs % $days_per_page == 0 && $count_graphs < $total_graphs ) { push @data, qq(unset multiplot); push @data, qq(set multiplot layout $days_per_page,1); $page_number++; } } # Output data averages by hour of the day push @data, qq( \$DataAvg << EOD "timestamp","blood glucose","meal","method","comment"); my @sorted_rows; foreach my $row (@lines) { if ( $row =~ s#^"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} #"#ms ) { push @sorted_rows, $row; } } push @data, sort @sorted_rows; push @data, qq(EOD); push @data, qq( reset set datafile separator "," set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set format x "%s" timedate set format y "%.2f" numeric set samples 10000 set xdata stats \$DataAvg using 2 MeanTotal = STATS_mean set xdata time set table \$SmoothDataAvg plot \$DataAvg using 1:2 smooth bezier unset table set table \$TableDataAvg plot \$DataAvg using 1:2 smooth mcsplines unset table undefine \$DataAvg reset set datafile separator whitespace set key off set style data lines set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set format x "%H:%M" timedate set format y "%.0f" numeric set yrange [0:$graph_max] # If extended to 23:59, the x grid overlaps with the border set xrange ["00:00":"23:58"] set style line 100 dt 3 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" set style line 101 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#202020" set linetype 110 lc rgb "red" set lmargin 12 set rmargin 10 set tmargin 5 set bmargin 5 set multiplot title layout $days_per_page,1 set title "Average Daily Glucose" font "Calibri,18" set xlabel "Time" offset 0,-0.25 set ylabel "Blood glucose" set xtics left tc rgb "#000000" set ytics 2 tc rgb "#000000" set grid ytics ls 100 front set object 1 rect from graph 0, first $min_glucose to graph 1,first $max_glucose fc ls 6 fs solid 0.2 back AVG = MeanTotal AVG_LABEL = gprintf("Average glucose: %.2f", AVG) set object 2 rect at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 fc ls 2 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(AVG_LABEL), char 3 set label 2 AVG_LABEL at graph 0.9, graph 0.9 front center A1C = $a1c_calc A1C_LABEL = gprintf("Average A1c: %.1f", A1C) set object 3 rect at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 fc ls 5 fs transparent solid 0.5 front size char strlen(A1C_LABEL), char 3 set label 3 A1C_LABEL at graph 0.07, graph 0.9 front center plot \$SmoothDataAvg using ( strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1) ):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 1 ) with lines lw 3 lc variable #plot \$TableDataAvg using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2 with lines lw 1 lc 5, \$SmoothDataAvg using (strftime("%H:%M:%S", \$1)):2:( \$2 > $max_glucose || \$2 < $min_glucose ? 110 : 1 ) with lines lw 3 lc variable undefine \$DataAvg undefine \$SmoothDataAvg undefine \$TableDataAvg # Add an x grid set multiplot previous set title " " set xlabel " " offset 0,-0.25 set ylabel " " set xtics tc rgb "#ffffff00" set ytics tc rgb "#ffffff00" unset grid unset object 1 set grid xtics ls 101 plot 1/0 ); push @data, qq( unset multiplot #test ); # run the data through gnuplot $gnuplot_data = join "\n", @data; print $gnuplot_data; open( my $ofh, '>', $output ) or die "Could not open file '$output' $!"; my ( $pid, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr ); use Symbol 'gensym'; $stderr = gensym; $pid = open3( $stdin, $stdout, $stderr, 'gnuplot' ); print $stdin $gnuplot_data; close( $stdin ); while ( <$stdout> ) { print $ofh "$_"; } while ( <$stderr> ) { warn $_; } close($stdout); close($stderr); waitpid( $pid, 0 ); my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8; close( $ofh ) or warn "close failed: $!"; #open(GNUPLOT, "|gnuplot"); #print GNUPLOT $gnuplot_data; #close(GNUPLOT); # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 :