Add UPS functionality

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Allen 2024-05-14 09:21:20 +02:00
parent af97e393f6
commit b672c9f5ae
3 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions

bmspy-ups.service Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Description=UPS monitoring for BMS
ExecStart=poetry run bmspy-ups

bmspy/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
from collections import deque
import argparse
import atexit, datetime, os, re, sys, time
import smtplib, ssl, socket
from bmspy import client
scheduled_shutdown = False
critical_sent = False
warning_sent = False
alert_sent = False
def handle_shutdown(action = 'cancel', delay = 0, debug = 0):
global scheduled_shutdown
if action == 'shutdown':
if scheduled_shutdown is False:
scheduled_shutdown = time.time() + delay * 60 * 1000
os.system("/sbin/shutdown {}".format(delay))
elif action == 'cancel':
os.system("/sbin/shutdown -c")
def handle_email(text, level, recipient = "root", mailserver = "localhost", port = 25, mailuser = None, mailpass = None, debug = 0):
isSSL = False
hostname = socket.gethostname()
if re.match("/@/", recipient) is None:
recipient = "{}@{}".format(recipient, hostname)
sender = "bmspy on {} <nobody@{}>".format(hostname, hostname)
if port == 465 or port == 587:
isSSL = True
if level is not None:
msg = "From: {}\r\nTo: {}\r\nSubject: {} from BMSPY UPS on {}\r\n\r\n{}\r\n".format(sender, recipient, level, hostname, text)
if isSSL:
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP(mailserver, port) as server:
if isSSL:
if mailuser is not None and mailpass is not None:
server.login(mailuser, mailpass)
server.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg)
def main():
global alert_sent, warning_sent, critical_sent
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Query JBD BMS and alert or shutdown when certain thresholds are reached',
parser.add_argument('--alert', '-a', dest='alert', action='store_true',
default=True, help='Email an alert when UPS detects A/C loss (default: true)')
parser.add_argument('--warning', '-w', dest='warning_threshold', action='store', type=int,
default=75, help='Email an alert when remaining capacity percentage drops below this figure (default: 75)')
parser.add_argument('--critical', '-c', dest='critical_threshold', action='store', type=int,
default=30, help='Shut system down when remaining capacity percentage drops below this figure (default: 30)')
parser.add_argument('--delay', '-d', dest='shutdown_delay', action='store', type=int,
default=5, help='Delay system shutdown (default: 5 minutes)')
parser.add_argument('--mailserver', '-m', dest='mailserver', action='store',
default="localhost", help='Mail server (default: localhost)')
parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', dest='port', action='store',
default=25, help='Mail server port (default: 25)')
parser.add_argument('--user', dest='mailuser', action='store',
default=None, help='Mail server user')
parser.add_argument('--pass', dest='mailpass', action='store',
default=None, help='Mail server password')
parser.add_argument('--to', '-t', dest='recipient', action='store',
default="root", help='Email recipient (default: root)')
parser.add_argument('--socket', '-s', dest='socket', action='store',
default='/run/bmspy/bms', help='Socket to communicate with daemon')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count',
default=0, help='Print more verbose information (can be specified multiple times)')
args = parser.parse_args()
debug = args.verbose
print("Running BMS UPS daemon on socket {}".format(args.socket))
client.handle_registration(args.socket, 'ups', debug)
atexit.register(client.handle_registration, args.socket, 'ups', debug)
history = deque()
while True:
data = client.read_data(args.socket, 'ups')
# Remove the oldest data from the history
while len(history) > 10:
if len(history) > 3:
comparison_1 = history[1]
comparison_2 = history[2]
comparison_3 = history[3]
if debug > 1:
print("Not enough readings, sleeping...")
current_amps = float(data['bms_current_amps']['raw_value'])
charge_ratio = float(data['bms_capacity_charge_ratio']['raw_value']) * 100
comparison_1_current_amps = float(comparison_1['bms_current_amps']['raw_value'])
comparison_1_charge_ratio = float(comparison_1['bms_capacity_charge_ratio']['raw_value']) * 100
comparison_2_current_amps = float(comparison_2['bms_current_amps']['raw_value'])
comparison_2_charge_ratio = float(comparison_2['bms_capacity_charge_ratio']['raw_value']) * 100
comparison_3_current_amps = float(comparison_3['bms_current_amps']['raw_value'])
comparison_3_charge_ratio = float(comparison_3['bms_capacity_charge_ratio']['raw_value']) * 100
if debug > 1:
print("current: {:>3.2f}A\ncapacity remaining: {:>4.0f}%".format(current_amps, charge_ratio))
if charge_ratio <= args.critical_threshold and \
comparison_1_charge_ratio <= args.critical_threshold:
if debug > 0:
print("Below critical threshold, shutting down")
handle_shutdown(action = 'shutdown', delay = args.shutdown_delay, debug = debug)
if critical_sent is False:
handle_email(text = "remaining capacity below {}%, shutting down".format(args.critical_threshold),
level = "Critical alert",
recipient = args.recipient,
mailserver = args.mailserver,
port = args.port,
mailuser = args.mailuser,
mailpass = args.mailpass,
debug = debug)
critical_sent = True
elif charge_ratio <= args.warning_threshold and \
comparison_1_charge_ratio <= args.warning_threshold:
if debug > 0:
print("Below warning threshold")
if warning_sent is False:
handle_email(text = "remaining capacity below {}%".format(args.warning_threshold),
level = "Warning",
recipient = args.recipient,
mailserver = args.mailserver,
port = args.port,
mailuser = args.mailuser,
mailpass = args.mailpass,
debug = debug)
warning_sent = True
# Current needs to be negative for two consecutive reads
elif args.alert and current_amps < 0 and \
comparison_1_current_amps < 0 and \
comparison_2_current_amps >= 0:
if debug > 0:
print("Alert: discharging!")
if alert_sent is False:
handle_email(text = "power lost", level = "Power loss alert",
recipient = args.recipient,
mailserver = args.mailserver,
port = args.port,
mailuser = args.mailuser,
mailpass = args.mailpass,
debug = debug)
alert_sent = True
# Current needs to be zero or positive for two consecutive reads
elif args.alert and current_amps >= 0 and \
comparison_1_current_amps >= 0 and \
comparison_2_current_amps < 0:
if debug > 0:
print("Alert: power regained!")
handle_shutdown(action = 'cancel', debug = debug)
handle_email(text = "power regained", level = "Recovery alert",
recipient = args.recipient,
mailserver = args.mailserver,
port = args.port,
mailuser = args.mailuser,
mailpass = args.mailpass,
debug = debug)
critical_sent = False
warning_sent = False
alert_sent = False
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ bmspy = "bmspy:main"
bmspy-server = "bmspy.server:main" bmspy-server = "bmspy.server:main"
bmspy-influxdb = "bmspy.influxdb:main" bmspy-influxdb = "bmspy.influxdb:main"
bmspy-prometheus = "bmspy.prometheus:main" bmspy-prometheus = "bmspy.prometheus:main"
bmspy-ups = ""
bmspy-usbd = "bmspy.usbhid:main" bmspy-usbd = "bmspy.usbhid:main"