2018-10-11 14:02:09 +02:00

202 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File

# Debug level 0: Send email
# Debug level 1: Send email to myself
# Debug level 2: Print names and email addresses
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
use Email::MIME::CreateHTML;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS;
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS;
use Term::ReadKey;
use File::Basename;
use Try::Tiny;
use Data::Dumper;
my $map_dir = '/home/tim/Documents/Projects/2018/Gun Run/Maps/';
my $email_csv = "$map_dir/GIS base files and routes/marshals_by_position.csv";
my $pdf_dir = "$map_dir/GIS base files and routes/Marshals/";
my $debug = 1;
my @emails;
my $password;
if (-f "$map_dir/password_store") {
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$map_dir/password_store") or die "Could not open password store: $!";
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp($password = $row);
} else {
print "Please type your email password: ";
#chomp($password = <STDIN>);
chomp($password = ReadLine(0));
print "\n";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { binary => 1 } ) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();
open my $ifh, "<", $email_csv or die "Could not read $email_csv: $!";
$csv->column_names($csv->getline( $ifh ));
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $ifh ) ) {
my $person = {
"position" => $row->[0],
"first_name" => $row->[1],
"name" => $row->[3],
"club" => $row->[4],
"email" => $row->[6],
$person->{"name"} =~ s/ +$//g if $person->{"name"};
$person->{"name"} =~ s/ +/ /g if $person->{"name"};
$person->{"first_name"} =~ s/ +$//g if $person->{"first_name"};
$person->{"first_name"} =~ s/ +/ /g if $person->{"first_name"};
$person->{"email"} =~ s/,//g if $person->{"email"};
push @emails, $person;
$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
close $ifh;
#@emails = sort { $a->{"position"} cmp $b->{"position"} } @emails;
if ($ARGV[0]) {
my $pos = $ARGV[0];
@emails = grep { $_->{"position"} =~ /^$pos$/ } @emails;
#print Dumper(@emails);
foreach my $person (@emails) {
next unless $$person{"name"} and $$person{"email"};
next unless $$person{"club"} =~ /^(AAC|Walmer( AC)?)$/;
next if $$person{"position"} =~ /\D/;
my $salutation = $$person{"first_name"};
my $name = $$person{"name"};
my $email = $$person{"email"};
my $club = $$person{"club"};
next unless $email =~ /@/;
my $position = $$person{"position"};
my $position_time;
if ($position =~ /^10\d$/) {
$position_time = "4:45AM";
} else {
$position_time = "6AM";
# if ($position =~ /^(26|27)$/i) {
# warn "NOTE: Skipped position $position";
# next;
# }
foreach my $m (split(/[, ]+/, $email)) {
$m = "$name <$m>";
printf "%-4s %-15s %15s\n", $$person{"position"}, $salutation, $m if ($debug >= 0);
$m = 'Timothy Allen <>' if ($debug == 1);
my $pdf = $pdf_dir . $club . '_marshal_map_' . $position . '.pdf';
my $jpg = $pdf_dir . $club . '_marshal_map_' . $position . '.jpg';
my $pdf_filename = basename($pdf);
my $jpg_filename = basename($jpg);
die "No PDF at $pdf_filename" unless -e $pdf;
die "No JPG at $jpg_filename" unless -e $jpg;
my $html = qq(
Dear $salutation
Thank you for helping out at this year's Gun Run!
Attached to this email is a map that gives your marshalling position. <b>You are in position $position on the map.</b> It's important to be in place by <b>$position_time</b> on the day, as the police and traffic officials will be conducting spot checks at that point, and if any marshal is not in position, they may call off the race or delay it.
If you have any trouble opening the attachment, the map is available online as a <a href="$club/$pdf_filename">PDF document</a> and an <a href="$club/$jpg_filename">image</a>.
In addition, there is a complete <a href="">route map</a> and a map of <a href="">all marshal positions</a>. All <a href="">other maps</a> (including cones and fencing; road closures; and directions to the start) are available as well.
You'll notice the map has several phone numbers on it&mdash;if in doubt, please call the Venue Operations Centre (VOC) in case of any emergency, as you'll get a faster response than by calling your captain, Roger, or myself.
It can get quite cold in the mornings at this time of year; please be sure to bring something warm (wear it <i>under</i> your bib, please!), as well as sunscreen and a hat. You may also wish to bring water or coffee and something to eat, and even something to sit on. Please do encourage the runners as they run past you!
my $plain_text = qq(Dear $salutation
Thank you for helping out at this year's Gun Run!
Attached to this email is a map that gives your marshalling position. You are in position $position. It's important to be in place by $position_time on the day, as the police and traffic officials will be conducting spot checks at that point, and if any marshal is not in position, they may call off the race or delay it.
If you have any trouble opening the attachment, the map is available online as a PDF document at <$pdf_filename> and as an image at <$jpg_filename>.
In addition, there is a complete route map at <> and a map of all marshal positions at <>. All other maps (including cones and fencing; road closures; and directions to the start) are available as well at <>.
You'll notice the map has several phone numbers on it -- if in doubt, please call the Venue Operations Centre (VOC) in case of any emergency, as you'll get a faster response than by calling your captain, Roger, or myself.
It can get quite cold in the mornings at this time of year; please be sure to bring something warm (wear it under your bib, please!), as well as sunscreen and a hat. You may also wish to bring water or coffee and something to eat, and even something to sit on. Please do encourage the runners as they run past you!
$pdf_filename =~ s/^.*?_//;
my %objects = ( "$pdf_filename" => $pdf );
my $mail = Email::MIME->create_html(
header => [
From => 'Timothy Allen <>',
Subject => 'Your Gun Run 2018 marshalling position',
To => $m,
body => $html,
text_body => $plain_text,
objects => \%objects,
my $g_transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS->new(
host => '',
username => '',
password => $password,
my $t_transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS->new(
host => '',
username => 'tim',
password => $password,
try {
sendmail($mail, { transport => $g_transport }) if ($debug <= 1);
# sendmail($mail, { transport => $t_transport }) if ($debug <= 1);
} catch {
warn "\n\nError sending email for position $position\n\n";
warn $_;
sleep 2 if ($debug < 1);
last if ($debug == 1);
# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 :