{% set ns = namespace() -%} {% include 'head.html' with context %} <article> <h1>AAC: Top Results{% if year %} {{ year }}{% endif %}</h1> {% if results -%} {%- set ns.total = 0 -%} {%- if 'count' in results -%} {%- set ns.total = results['count'] -%} {%- endif -%} <table class="wide"> <thead> <tr> <th>Position</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Licence</th> <th>Time</th> <th>Average Pace</th> <th>Race</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Notes</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {%- for row in results['rows'] -%} {%- set person = '{} {}'.format(row.name or '', row.surname or '') -%} <tr> <td class="nowrap"><span class="label">Position</span> <span>{{ row.position|e }}{% if row.finishers %} / {{ row.finishers }}{% endif %}</span></td> <td class="nowrap"><span class="label">Name</span> <span><a href="{{ url_for('person', title=person|trim|urlescape, start=None) }}">{{ person|trim|e }}</a></span></td> <td class="nowrap"><span class="label">Licence</span> <span>{% if row.licence %}<a href="{{ url_for('licence', title=row.licence|trim|urlescape, year=row.date|year, start=None, show=ns.show) }}">{{ row.licence|trim|e }}</a>{% endif %}</span></td> <td><span class="label">Time</span> <span>{{ row.time|e }}</span></td> <td class="nowrap"><span class="label">Average Pace</span> <span>{% if row.distance is number and row.distance|float != 0 %}{{ (row.time / row.distance|float) | pace }} min/KM{% endif %}</span></td> <td class="long"><span class="label">Race</span> <span><a href="{{ url_for('races', title=row.event|trim|urlescape, year=row.date|year, start=None, show=ns.show) }}">{{ row.event|trim|e }} ({{ row.distance|trim|e }} KM)</a></span></td> <td class="nowrap"><span class="label">Date</span> <span>{{ row.date|cleandate|e }}</span></td> <td class="long"><span class="label">Notes</span> <span> {%- if row.sex and row.sexposition and row.sexposition | int <= 100 %}{{ row.sexposition|ordinal|e }} {{ row.sex|lower|gender|e }}{% endif -%} {%- if row.sex and row.sexposition and row.sexposition | int <= 100 and row.catposition and row.catposition | int <= 100 %} and {% endif -%} {%- if row.catposition and row.catposition | int <= 100 %}{{ row.catposition|ordinal|e }} in category{% endif -%} </span> </td> </tr> {%- endfor -%} </tbody> </table> {%- endif %} </article> <footer> {% include 'prevnext.html' with context %} </footer> </body> </html>