from flask import Flask, abort, request, render_template, url_for import datetime as dt import math import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.cursors import re import urllib.parse app = Flask(__name__) PAGE_SIZE=20 MIN_MONTHS_FOR_LISTINGS=3 @app.template_filter('urlescape') def urlescape(string): if string is None: return '' return urllib.parse.quote_plus(string) @app.template_filter('pace') def pace(time): return (dt.datetime(1,1,1) + time).strftime('%M:%S') @app.template_filter('year') def year(time): return time.strftime('%Y') @app.template_filter('cleandate') def cleandate(time): if time.month == 1 and == 1: return time.strftime('%Y') return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') @app.template_filter('ordinal') def ordinal(n): if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1: return return "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(math.floor(n/10)%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4]) @app.template_filter('cleandict') def cleandict(dict): ''' Prevent duplication of existing query strings when calling url_for(..., **request.args) ''' newdict = {} for key, value in dict.items(): if key not in ( 'title', 'year', 'start', 'show' ) and value not in ( None, '', ): newdict[key] = value return newdict def now(): return def getstart(): start = request.args.get('start', '0') if not isinstance(start, (int, float)): try: return int(start) except: return 0 return start def getshow(): show = request.args.get('show', PAGE_SIZE) if show == 'all': return -1 if not isinstance(show, (int, float)): try: return int(show) except: return PAGE_SIZE return show def read_db(listing=None, event=None, person=None, licence=None, search=dict(), year=None, finishers=False): db = MySQLdb.connect(user='aac', passwd='saOAcCWHg4LaoSSA', db='AAC', use_unicode=True, charset="utf8", cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) c = db.cursor() count = 0 start = getstart() show = getshow() select = '*' close = '' where = 'WHERE club LIKE "AAC"' group = '' order = 'date DESC, event, distance DESC, position' limit = 'LIMIT {},{}'.format(start, show) if show == -1: limit = '' ''' Build standard query (list of results) ''' if event: if isinstance(event, str): event = db.escape_string(event).decode() where += ' AND event LIKE "{}"'.format(event.lower()) if person: if isinstance(person, str): person = db.escape_string(person).decode() where += ' AND CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) LIKE "{}"'.format(person.lower()) if licence: if isinstance(licence, str): licence = db.escape_string(licence).decode() where += ' AND licence LIKE "{}"'.format(licence.lower()) ''' Build search query ''' for column in search.keys(): if isinstance(column, str): column = db.escape_string(column).decode() if isinstance(search[column], str): query = db.escape_string(search[column]).decode() if not query: next if column in ( 'licence', 'event', ): where += ' AND {} LIKE "%{}%"'.format(column, query.lower()) elif column in ( 'name', ): where += ' AND ( CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) LIKE "%{}%" )'.format(query.lower()) elif column in ( 'position', ): where += ' AND {} LIKE "{}"'.format(column, query) elif column == 'after': try: after = dt.datetime.strptime(query, '%Y-%m-%d') date = dt.datetime.min date = date.replace(year=after.year, month=after.month, where += ' AND date > "{}"'.format(date) except: pass elif column == 'before': try: before = dt.datetime.strptime(query, '%Y-%m-%d') date = dt.datetime.max date = date.replace(year=before.year, month=before.month, where += ' AND date < "{}"'.format(date) except: pass else: pass ''' Build list query (list of races, rankings, licences, or runners by distance) ''' if listing: where += ' AND CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) NOT LIKE "%no%return%"' where += ' AND CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) NOT LIKE "%no%card%"' where += ' AND CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) NOT LIKE "%blank%card%"' where += ' AND CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) NOT LIKE "%disqualified%"' if listing == 'races': select = 'TRIM(event), date' group = 'GROUP BY event, date' order = 'date DESC, TRIM(event)' elif listing == 'runners': select = 'TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname)) AS person, FORMAT(SUM(distance),0) AS total' group = 'GROUP BY TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname))' order = 'SUM(distance) DESC, TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname))' elif listing == 'rankings': # SELECT query.person, query.positions, query.races, query.podiums, query.score, sex.positions AS sexpositions, sex.races AS sexraces, cat.positions AS catpositions, cat.races catraces FROM (SELECT *, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) person, SUM(position) positions, COUNT(event) races, SUM(position)/COUNT(event) podiums, FORMAT(SUM(position)/COUNT(event),1) score FROM `results` WHERE club LIKE "AAC" GROUP BY CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) ) AS query INNER JOIN (SELECT *, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) person, SUM(sexposition) as positions, COUNT(event) races FROM `results` WHERE club LIKE "AAC" AND sexposition > 0 GROUP BY CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) ) sex ON query.person=sex.person INNER JOIN (SELECT *, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) person, SUM(catposition) as positions, COUNT(event) races FROM `results` WHERE club LIKE "AAC" AND catposition > 0 GROUP BY CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) ) cat ON query.person=cat.person WHERE query.person NOT LIKE "%no return%" AND query.person NOT LIKE "%no card%" AND query.person NOT LIKE "%blank card%" AND query.person NOT LIKE "%disqualified%" GROUP BY query.person ORDER BY podiums, races DESC; select = 'TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname)) AS person, SUM(position) AS positions, COUNT(event) AS races, SUM(position)/COUNT(event) AS podiums, FORMAT(SUM(position)/COUNT(event), 1) AS score' group = 'GROUP BY TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname))' order = 'podiums, races DESC' elif listing == 'licence': select = 'licence, date, TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname)) AS person' group = 'GROUP BY licence, name, surname' order = 'TRIM(CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname)) ASC' ''' Add elements common to multiple types of queries ''' if year: if not isinstance(year, (int, float)): year = int(db.escape_string(year).decode()) firstdate = dt.datetime.min lastdate = dt.datetime.max firstdate = firstdate.replace(year=int(year)) lastdate = lastdate.replace(year=int(year)) where += ' AND date > "{}" AND date < "{}"'.format(firstdate, lastdate) ''' This statement is expensive but doesn't increase the count, so don't change the count statement ''' if finishers: select = 'total.finishers, query.* FROM( SELECT *' close = ') AS query INNER JOIN (SELECT event, date, distance, COUNT(event) as finishers FROM `results` GROUP BY event, distance, date) AS total ON total.event=query.event AND AND total.distance=query.distance' sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `results` {} {} ORDER BY {} {} {};'.format(select, where, group, order, limit, close) app.logger.debug(sql) c.execute(sql) queryresults = c.fetchall() select = 'COUNT(*)' close = '' if listing: if listing == 'races': select = 'COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(event)' close = ') AS races' elif listing == 'runners': select = 'COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(name)' close = ') AS runners' elif listing == 'rankings': select = 'COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(name)' close = ') AS rankings' elif listing == 'licence': select = 'COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(licence)' close = ') AS licence' sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `results` {} {} {};'.format(select, where, group, close) app.logger.debug(sql) c.execute(sql) countresult = c.fetchone() for x in countresult.keys(): count = countresult[x] app.logger.debug(count) return { 'count': int(count), 'rows': queryresults } @app.route('/') @app.route('/') @app.route('/<title>/<int:year>') def list(title=None, year=None): ''' Set defaults for the index page ''' if year is None and title is None: year = now().year title = 'runners' title = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(title) if title not in ( 'races', 'rankings', 'runners', 'licence', ): abort(404) ''' In early January, we'll be left with blank pages in listings, since there won't be any results yet, so hack it to return last year's info ''' date = if date.year == year and date.month <= MIN_MONTHS_FOR_LISTINGS: results = read_db(year=date.year) app.logger.debug(results['count']) if results['count'] < 1: ''' get an approximate time about two months ago (at the end of the previous year) ''' lastyear = date - dt.timedelta(days=(MIN_MONTHS_FOR_LISTINGS * 31)) year = lastyear.year results = read_db(listing=title, year=year) return render_template('list-'+title+'.html', ltype='listing', title=title, results=results, year=year, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) @app.route('/all') @app.route('/all/<int:year>') def index(title=None, year=None): if title is not None: title = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(title) results = read_db(year=year) return render_template('index.html', ltype='index', title=title, results=results, year=year, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) @app.route('/races/<int:year>/<title>') def races(year=None, title=None): if title is not None: title = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(title) results = read_db(event=title, year=year) return render_template('index.html', ltype='races', title=title, results=results, year=year, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) @app.route('/person/<title>') @app.route('/person/<title>/<int:year>') def person(title=None, year=None): if title is not None: title = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(title) results = read_db(person=title, year=year, finishers=True) return render_template('index.html', ltype='person', title=title, results=results, year=year, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) @app.route('/licence/<int:year>/<title>') def licence(year=now().year, title=None): if title is not None: title = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(title) results = read_db(licence=title, year=year, finishers=True) return render_template('index.html', ltype='licence', title=title, results=results, year=year, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) @app.route('/search') def search(): results = read_db(search=request.args) return render_template('index.html', ltype='search', title=None, results=results, year=None, request=request, getstart=getstart(), getshow=getshow(), now=now(), PAGE_SIZE=PAGE_SIZE) if __name__ == '__main__': # most race KMs in the year, by distance # fastest race pace over the year (time / KMs) # individual KMs, and race results (race, position, time) by name # - and by race number and year # by race # - and by gender # tabs: # list of races (sorted by recent) # list of people (sorted by total kms for the year) # list of licences for the year (sorted by number of races) # list of podiums/rankings (people sorted by total_position/total_races) # click to expand by # person (races by recent) # person (races by pace)] # race (all AAC members by position) # SEARCH # /?sort={distance,pace}&sex={m,f} # /race/2018/HEWAT ETC?sort={position,pace}&sex={m,f} # /person/Timothy Allen?sort={pace,date} # /person/Timothy Allen/2018 # /license/2018/4356 # /license/2018/4356